Indonesia feels jolts of Strong 6.6-magnitude earthquake
Indonesia feels jolts  of Strong 6.6-magnitude earthquake

New Delhi: A strapping earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale shook Indonesia on early Monday . It appeared at  the epicenter recorded at 146 km northwest Halmahera of North Maluku region and the shallow at 10 km under sea bed. Reports suggested that a tsunami warning has not been issued by Indonesia’s geophysics agency and no key damage or casualty was informed immediately.

The massive quake struck at 12.27 a.m. The intensity of the quake was only felt 3 MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) in the area and Bitung of nearby North Sulawesi area, reports stated.

Worth mention here Indonesia is horizontal to quakes as it lies on a weak quake-hit zone called "the Pacific Ring of Fire".

The nation faced a distressing tsunami at the end of last year. It was triggered by an erupting volcano in the middle of the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra islands, In which  more than 400 people were killed.

It is noted that the tsunami was the third major natural disaster in Indonesia six months,  following a series of dominant earthquakes on the islands of Lombok in July and August and a quake-tsunami in September due to which around 2,000 people killed.

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