Instagram quietly launched a new Stories design in India
Instagram quietly launched a new Stories design in India

In India, Facebook's proprietary photo-messaging app Instagram has launched its story options in a new design. This week, the semi-circular selector veal design has changed the last 8 camera options into the three-live, camera and creative options with the flash option seen on the center of the screen. Go ahead in full details.

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Let’s first talk about its features, which combine Augmented Reality (AR) filters in semi-circular format. Hands-free, forward, super jump and boomerang options are given in the camera option on the left side, as well as an AR filter in its right side.

There are many options, including the Type-to-Type, Ask Me a Question, Polls and Countdown. The reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong first prepared this design in March. Wong tweeted, "Instagram is working on the new 'Stories' user-interface, which is based on the Mechanical Circular Mode Switcher in DSLR.'

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