Know interesting facts related to Jordan country
Know interesting facts related to Jordan country

There are many countries around the world which are known for their interesting facts. Jordan, officially called the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is an Arab country located in the southern part of the Syrian Desert, south of Aqaba Bay in Southwest Asia, with countries such as Syria to the north, Iraq to the north-east, Israel to the west and Saudi Arabia to the east and south. Although this country is spread over a total of 89,341 square kilometers, but most of it is surrounded by desert.

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Petra is one of the seven new wonders of the world in Jordan, which is also included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a famous archaeological site, which used to be the capital of the Nabataan Empire in around 300 BCE. Jordan is currently ruled by King Abdullah II. 'Jabal Umm Ed Dami' is the highest mountain in Jordan, with a height of 1,854 meters. The longest river of this country is the Jordan River, which is 251 kilometers long, while the largest lake here is 'Sea of Galilee' which is spread over 166 square kilometers.

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Programs in Arabic and English are broadcast on TV in Jordan. The most important thing in this country is that the people here have the freedom to watch cable TV which is not available in many Arab countries. Some mysterious and huge figures remain in the Jordan desert, which extend from Syria to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. These mysterious figures are called 'Ajarak Oasis Wheel'. It is also believed that these figures must have been made about 8500 years ago. However, no firm evidence exists about this. No one knows why it was made.

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