P C THOMAS: Today, March 8, marks International Women’s Day, when countries all over the world observe the achievements of women and unite together for gender equality.
International Women’s Day is an opportunity to honour women who have made history and continue to transform and encourage future generations. It is a time for reflection on women’s contributions to the world and the principle of the equality of men and women.
The world of human race has two wings – one is men and the other women. Not until both wings are uniformly developed can the bird fly. Women and men are the two equal parts of humanity. If one part is less developed than the other, the whole will suffer, and humanity will not achieve the desired heights of progress. The identical development of women will affect the future of humanity in all ways. Though there have been many advances in women’s involvement in many fields of venture, it is still far from full and equal, particularly in roles of leadership at all levels of society.
A key area of commitment is for women to assume more leadership roles in industry, government, and scientific fields in which they have traditionally been least represented. Women have traditionally been identified as caretakers, mothers, and the embodiment of the noble virtues of humanity. While both men and women can manifest all the range of human characters from aggressive to loving, there is a major inequity in our world for the empathy, connection, and spirit of service that we associate with women. If women attain enormously greater participation in decision-making bodies, they will bring both more range of vision and balance to institutions and processes that affect change.
Rathan Tata once said, greater participation of women impacts the success of businesses and enterprises. More gender diversity, principally in corporate settings, can translate to improved productivity, greater modernization, better products, better decision-making, and higher employee satisfaction and retention.
The empowerment of women, their equal education and participation will create more inclusive, just, and progressive societies. As partners with you in education, let us encourage our young women at School to emerge from stereotypical limitations, have the courage to be all that they dream of being, and, above all, to work with men to make this a better world.
The impact women had in this world is often lost amidst the writings and stories, but I find it important to bring it back, and once we understand women’s impact in this world, we would realize that we’d be nowhere without them.
International Day of the women or girls not only celebrates girls around the world, but recognizes the struggles we face on a daily basis. The future I dream about is one where no girl is left behind. Girls' dreams deserve devotion. Girls' dreams deserve to become true.
The theme for this International Women’s Day 2021 is “Choose to Challenge” I really believe this not only means challenging for change for women throughout the world- giving them more opportunities in employment, education, voting rights, but also encouraging women to empower one another. Women should celebrate one another and honor the Spirit God that is inside them. By supporting one another, women can then be powerful advocates for the women in their neighbourhood, country and throughout the world. If our words and actions can be rooted in love, encouragement and sisterhood the lives of women today and tomorrow will be changed. It is my hope that every woman- young and old can look in the mirror every day and say, “Nothing will stop me from reaching my potential.” Make it happen!