International Yoga Festival 2018 at Rishikesh: Come, Connect, Embrace, and Evolve
International Yoga Festival 2018 at Rishikesh: Come, Connect, Embrace, and Evolve

International Yoga Festival will commence from March 01, 2018 and will go on for a week until March 07, 2018. The event will be held at Paramarth Niketan, Rishikesh. Rishikesh is considered as the Yoga capital of the world as it is the birthplace of Yoga.

The week-long celebration of Yoga is also called as International Yoga Week.

Yoga is considered an ancient science of health and well-being.

The annual meet is attended by Yogis from around the world who belong to various culture, creed and colour with one common thread that binds them together– Yoga. Since the first meet in 1999, the program has been expanding every year and attracts more Yogis to the holy city of Rishikesh.

The purpose for the meet is to unite all Yogis with like-minded fellow Yogis and learn the art of Yoga from Spiritual leaders, Yoga teachers, Evolutionary thought leaders, and Wellness specialist from around the world.

The festival aims at promoting Yoga to gain well-being of the body, mind, and soul. Several sessions on all forms of Yoga are conducted by trained masters throughout the week.

Duration of the program

March 01, 2018 to March 07, 2018

Venue of the program

On the bank of holy river Ganga at Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh

Official tag line of the event is enough for a Yogi to rush and celebrate Yoga.

“Come, Connect, Embrace, and Evolve”

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