iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Google Pixel 8: Which Smartphone Is Better?
iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Google Pixel 8: Which Smartphone Is Better?

Mobile users are currently divided between the iPhone and Pixel camps. Some tout the iPhone 15 Pro Max as the ultimate smartphone, while others advocate for the Google Pixel 8 as the most advanced. This has sparked confusion among those less informed about smartphones. Here, we'll delve into which device might be better suited for you by examining their specifications.


The Google Pixel 8 features a frosted glass back and a flat front display. In terms of dimensions, it's slightly longer and thicker than the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max swaps stainless steel for aluminum/titanium build and has slightly rounded edges with a matte titanium frame, giving it a more refined look compared to the Pixel 8 Pro.


The Pixel 8 Pro boasts a brightness of 954 nits manually and up to 1600 nits in adaptive mode. It supports HDR10 and HDR10+ with new HDR effects in galleries and apps.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a manual brightness of 846 nits and supports Dolby Vision, HDR10, and HDR10+. Both devices operate with adaptive refresh rates, with the Pixel 8 Pro achieving a 1Hz reading in test displays.


The Pixel 8 Pro houses a 5050mAh battery, whereas the iPhone 15 Pro Max features a 4441mAh battery. In terms of endurance, the Pixel 8 Pro shows slightly lower performance compared to the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which excels in screen-on tests.

Camera Quality

Both phones offer large sensors, wide lenses, and impressive zoom capabilities. The Pixel 8 Pro includes autofocus ultra-wide and a 5x zoom telephoto lens. On the other hand, the iPhone 15 Pro Max provides options for subtle variations in image processing and color science. Additionally, the Pixel 8 Pro features unique AI-enhanced features. With ProRAW and ProRes on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, video quality is significantly enhanced. These comparisons should provide clarity on which smartphone suits your needs best between the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Google Pixel 8.

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