Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan has been in a lot of discussions over the drugs case in the past year. After a few days in jail, he was released. Now during this time, the update about Aryan's work in Bollywood has also been heard. By the way, Shah Rukh himself has said about this, Aryan is not interested in acting and he may do filmmaking. During this time, now there is news about Aryan's work in Bollywood that he is now ready to take a step towards his career. According to media reports, Aryan is working calmly on several ideas so that he is also working on feature films and web series.
According to reports, he is going to work for Amazon Prime's web series and Red Chillies Entertainment's movie. The Amazon Prime series will be based on the life of a fan in which thrill is also going to be seen. There is no more information about it. If all goes well, we can get to see the show by this year.
Aryan has also been seen working on scripts along with Bilal Siddiqui. According to reports, Shah Rukh has said many times before that he likes writing and interestingly, Aryan is now thinking about working in this field.
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