Is your best friend in love with you? Know the signs
Is your best friend in love with you? Know the signs


The relationship of friendship is very special and deep, but sometimes friendship turns into love and we do not even know it. If you also want to know whether your best friend has started loving you, then we will tell you some signs that can confirm this. Let's know about these signs:

Signs of moving from friendship to love

Our best friends are those who are always with us in our good and bad times. A boy and a girl can be very good friends and understand each other's feelings. But sometimes this friendship turns into love. Here are some signs by which you can know that your best friend has started loving you:

spend more time than necessary

If your best friend spends more time with you than necessary, pays more attention to you, and gradually tries to increase physical contact with you, then this could be a sign that he is falling in love with you. This sign shows that he wants to spend every moment with you and wants to be closer to you.


If your best friend starts getting jealous of you and another friend or wants you to spend time only with him, then this can also be a sign that he is starting to like you. If he is dissatisfied with your other friendships and becomes more possessive towards you, then this indicates love.

romantic things to do

If your best friend wants to know about your well-being, food, medicines, and other small and big things every day and always talks romantically to you on the phone, then this can also be a sign that he has started loving you. If he calls you to meet again and again and takes care of you like a husband and wife take care of their life partner, then it means that his feelings have deepened towards you.

gifts for couples

If your best friend talks about plans in conversations and gives you couple-related gifts, like taking you out on special occasions or especially celebrating your birthday, then this can also be a sign that he loves you. It shows that he wants to be a part of your happiness and wants to build a special relationship with you.

Don’t make hasty decisions

If you are seeing these signs in your best friend, then you can talk to him openly. If you have also started liking your best friend, then both of you can share your feelings and consider turning this friendship into a relationship. But remember, do not rush into any decision and take steps after thinking carefully.

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