Israel Health Ministry Launches First Suicide Prevention Campaign, Urges Men to Seek Help
Israel Health Ministry Launches First Suicide Prevention Campaign, Urges Men to Seek Help

The Israel Health Ministry has launched its first-ever suicide prevention campaign on World Suicide Prevention Day, focusing specifically on men. The campaign, which has been in development since early 2023, addresses the issue of men's reluctance to seek help for emotional distress and encourages open conversations about mental health.

According to ministry data, 78% of all suicides in Israel each year involve men, a statistic that mirrors global findings from the World Health Organization (WHO). The initiative aims to encourage men to talk about their struggles, while also providing guidance to family and friends on how to recognize warning signs and discuss suicide openly.

Each year, approximately 400 men out of 500 suicide cases in Israel are reported. Research highlights that men often face challenges in expressing emotional pain, increasing their vulnerability to suicide. The Health Ministry stresses the importance of sharing feelings and seeking help in times of distress to prevent these tragedies.

The campaign provides detailed information on recognizing depression in men and offers guidance on how to approach individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts. It promotes direct and open conversations about suicide, which can be a crucial step in prevention.

While the campaign focuses on men, it also emphasizes the vital role of family and friends in recognizing early signs of distress. Practical tools are offered to help individuals conduct compassionate conversations, address suicidal thoughts openly, and encourage seeking professional help.

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