Know why Lord Rama fiercely fought with his own son
Know why Lord Rama fiercely fought with his own son

There was a fierce battle between Lord Rama and his son Luv-Kush. Today we will tell you the mythological story behind it. We will also tell the entire story in which Rama had gone to Ayodhya with Sita and brother Lakshman after killing Ravana, but shortly after coming from Ayodhya, Lord Rama took the ordeal and Goddess Sita had testified this fire on the strength of her purity to convince the people of Ayodhya. 

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On returning to Ayodhya, Lord Sri Rama took over the throne there but due to some circumstances, Lord Rama had to sacrifice Goddess Sita. For the same reason, Lord Rama left his horse of Ashwamedha only a few years after getting away from Goddess Sita which was believed to be proof of victory over the world. It is believed that at that time no one had the courage to stop it. Lord Rama's horse had almost traveled the world but Luv and Kush, who were sons of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita, dared to stop it. Not only this, both brothers also took him captive.

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Lord Rama was completely unaware of this but when he came to know about this, he sent Lakshman with the army to get back the horse from Luv and Kush but Luv and Kush defeated everyone. Shortly thereafter Lord Rama also sent Hanuman, then Luv and Kush also took Lord Hanuman Ji captive. When Lord Rama came to know this, Lord Shri Ram himself reached there to fight with Luv and Kush. All the gods and goddesses of the world became worried due to the fear of this war. A fierce battle ensued between Lord Rama and his sons. So Goddess Sita came there and she told Lord Ram that Luv and Kush are his only sons. Lord Rama was very sad to hear this and Luv and Kush were very happy to meet their father.

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