Why cat crossing path is considered as unauspicious
Why cat crossing path is considered as unauspicious

Most of the people have seen that if a cat crosses the path, then people consider it to be inauspicious. With this, it is not necessary that every time the cat cuts the path, it can mean something bad or wrong with you. Today we are going to tell you what the scriptures say about crossing the way of the cat.

Often you are going somewhere and the cat has cut your way, then you definitely stop once, there is doubt in everyone's mind, but let us tell you that if the cat crosses your path to the left from the midwife. You can consider it auspicious for yourself, it means whatever work you are going out of the house for. With this he will surely succeed. Cutting the same cat's path is considered inauspicious only when the black cat crosses your path. Apart from this, if any colored cat cuts the way, it is not considered wrong or bad.

According to the same Hindu religious scriptures, if cats come to your house on the day of Diwali, then it is considered auspicious that cats come to your home to convey the message of happiness and peace. For your information, let us know that even if a cat gives birth to children in your house, it is considered auspicious to feed the cat and its children every day. So that happiness, prosperity and peace in your home can always be maintained.

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