This temple give signs before the arrival of monsoon
This temple give signs before the arrival of monsoon

India is called a country of beliefs. All traditions are followed in the country. For this reason, it is also called the center of faith. Here everything is seen as an order or sign of God. Therefore, before the knock of monsoon, a famous temple of Kanpur already gives hints about this time. Actually, it is believed that such things start happening in the temple seven days before the arrival of rain, which makes its prediction. Its name is Jagannath Temple.

This temple is located in Behata village, just three kilometers from the village development block within Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. People say about this temple that the sudden dripping of water from the roof of the ancient temple shows the signs of rain. Here, water is dripping even in strong sunlight. From which it is estimated that the city is going to rain soon. However, all the surveys were done to know the secret of the temple. But even after this, the curtain could not be removed from the mystery of temple construction and dripping water. Archaeological scientists could only find out that the last renovation of the temple took place in the 11th century.

However, in the ancient Lord Jagannath monsoon temple, the water drips from the stones in the sanctum sanctorum. This stone is situated on the top of the temple. It is also believed that the larger the water droplets, the better is the possibility of rain. Based on this, nearby farmers make plans for farming and harvesting of crops. This ancient temple of Lord Jagannath located in Kanpur is built in the shape of a Buddhist monastery. The walls of this temple are about 14 feet thick. Inside the temple there are black smooth stone idols of Lord Jagannath, Baldau and sister Subhadra. Just as the Rath Yatra originates in the Jagannath temple of Puri, the Rath Yatra is also taken from here.

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