My Unparalleled Success Is The Result of Hardwork And Passion I Possess For Students Willing To Study Abroad: Jagat Patel
My Unparalleled Success Is The Result of Hardwork And Passion I Possess For Students Willing To Study Abroad: Jagat Patel

A globetrotter by passion, Jagat Patel has travelled across the world not just making a difference to the Indian education industry but also by setting up an example of a king-sized life. A visionary that constantly believes in evolving, started ‘Overseas Education Centre’ In 2003. OEC was established with the core objective of helping students achieve their dream of overseas education. It has worked to develop expertise in overseas education and visa formalities.

His unparalleled knowledge and zeal to constantly learn led him to explore the education industry. Patel knew the value of good education and a wide exposure and he wanted this life changing experience to be easily accessible for the students who envisioned a future studying abroad.

Patel, grasping the key knowledge of overseas education and the challenges involved. He gave detailed attention to everything that could make the journey of knowledge an easier one for the students. Over the years, the team of OEC has created a robust network with leading institutions worldwide, giving them the ability to provide better education services to the students. Patel made sure that OEC provided the much needed guidance and opportunity to everyone who found applying for an overseas education a tedious task.


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