Producer - director reaches in New Zealand to shoot sequel of 'Avatar'
Producer - director reaches in New Zealand to shoot sequel of 'Avatar'

Due to the lockdown, the shooting of the film was closed. Now the situation is becoming normal. In this way, work is also being started. The sequel of veteran Hollywood director James Cameron's much awaited film 'Avatar' is coming soon for his fans. Recently the shooting of this film has started. James Cameron and filmmaker John Landau have arrived in Wellington, New Zealand to shoot the sequel of 'Avatar' along with 50 personnel associated with filmmaking. The film's producer John Landau himself has given this information.

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John Landau has shared a post through his official Instagram account. Sharing two pictures with this post, he has said that he has reached New Zealand with his team. He shared a picture of the airport in which John and Cameron are seen wearing masks and face shields. In the caption with these pictures, it was written, 'The team of the film has reached New Zealand and they are keeping themselves separate as per the guidelines set by the government here. '

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In the year 2009 film 'Avatar' got a lot of love from the audience. After which the sequel of this film was also announced. The shooting of the film had also started but due to Coronavirus, the New Zealand government had ordered the lockdown. After which the shooting of 'Avatar' sequel had to be stopped midway.



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