Sequel to 'Avatar' film starts after 11 years, James shares set pictures
Sequel to 'Avatar' film starts after 11 years, James shares set pictures

Due to the lockdown, the shooting of the film was also stopped but things are slowly starting. The production of James Cameron's much anticipated 'Avatar' sequel is expected to be resumed in New Zealand next week. Producer John Landau has said on Instagram that he and the rest of 'Avatar' cast and crew members will return to New Zealand next week.

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Landau shared a picture of the two water vessels used in the films, writing, "Our 'Avatar' set is ready and we are excited to go back to New Zealand next week. No more waiting to share it. "

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Due to the Corona lvirus epidemic, in March, work on the 'Avatar' sequel was stopped by the New Zealand government with orders for lockdown. Earlier in an interview, Cameron shared that he is confident that his much anticipated 'Avatar 2' will be released as per the plan. 'Avatar 2' is currently scheduled for release on 17 December 2021. It is also believed that 'Avatar 2' will move forward 11 years after the events of the first film. Its first part was a huge success, released in 2009 and became the highest-grossing film. Its worldwide record was broken by 'Avengers: Endgames' last year.


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