James Webb Space Telescope finally completed by NASA Space Center
James Webb Space Telescope finally completed by NASA Space Center

World’s largest space telescope is finally completed by the scientist of NASA space centre. NASA is US based space agency which working on this telescope from a long time. It takes almost two decades to complete the construction of this telescope, which also declares as world largest telescope.

Before James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble Space telescope was used by the NASA space centre. Hubble Space telescope gives its services to the NASA centre from last 26 years. This information is provided by the agency on last Wednesday in a release. According to NASA, Ariane 5 rocket will launch it from French Guiana in October 2018,

"Today, we're celebrating the fact that our telescope is finished and we're about to prove that it works," Nobel laureate and Webb's senior project scientist John Mather said during a news conference posted on YouTube, adding that the new telescope will open up "a whole new territory of astronomy".

"We will see things we have not seen before because this telescope is much more powerful than even the great Hubble telescope," Mather said, adding "To give you some perspective about what we can do with it. If you were a bumblebee at a distance of the moon, we will be able to see you, both by your reflective sunlight and by thermal radiation and heat you emitted."

A huge amount is invested by the NASA space centre for this telescope. It takes around $8.7 billion for this project. NASA also gets support from European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency.

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