Dinner in shoes! Japanese diplomats shocked by offensive dessert serving for PM Abe
Dinner in shoes! Japanese diplomats shocked by offensive dessert serving for PM Abe

How will you fill to have dinner in shoes? When Japanese PM Shinzo Abe and his wife dined with Israel PM Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Residence on May 2 during Abe’s second official visit to Israel, they finished their gastronome meal with a kicker-dessert.

Israeli celebrity chef Moshe Segev, who is well known as Segev Moshe and the Israel prime minister’s private chef, put a ceiling on dinner with a selection of chocolates served in a metal shoe, which is considered extremely disgusting in Japanese culture.

PM Abe took the bizarre presentation in stride while Japanese and Israeli diplomats and Japan watchers were traumatized that the Japanese prime minister would be served in a shoe.



“This was a stupid and insensitive decision,” a senior Israeli diplomat, who had in the past served in Japan, stated Yediot Aharonot. “There is nothing more despised in Japanese culture than shoes. Not only do they not enter their houses while wearing shoes, you will not find shoes in their offices either. Even the prime minister, ministers and members of parliament do not wear shoes to work... It is equivalent to serving a Jewish guest chocolates in a dish shaped like a pig.”


He added, “No culture puts shoes on the table,” a Japanese diplomat told Yediot. “What precisely was this illustrious chef Segev thinking?

“If this is meant to be humor, we do not find it funny. I can tell you that we are offended for our prime minister,” the diplomat asserted.

Segev shared photos of the dinner, including a close-up of the wicked dessert, on his Instagram account.

“You’ve made your greatest fiasco ever,” commented one Instagram user. “The nation will never forget this, Segev. I truly loved you. You should be ashamed.”

The award-winning chef is a prominent restaurateur, author and television personality. He is also the head chef for El Al Airlines.

Worth mention here Abe first visited Israel in 2015, the first Japanese prime minister to have done so. Abe and Netanyahu talked about North Korea, the Iran nuclear deal and Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

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