Japan's Hotel where Services are given to the 'Dead Bodies'!!
Japan's Hotel where Services are given to the 'Dead Bodies'!!

There is no lack of 5 star luxurious hotels in the world. In every city,at least there are 5 to 6 of it present which give services to all its customers. But, there is a hotel where facilities are given to the dead bodies.Yes, there exist a place like this.

It is located in country Japan and its name in 'Lastel Corpse'. Actually, in Japan there is not much place left where bodies of dead ones can be buried. In that case, people have to wait atleast for 4 day so, that they can be buried in the Graveyard.

Due to this reason, people take the bodies to this hotel so that the body don't get rot. Family members have to pay Rs 7000 for one dead figure.

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