Jio Sim will soon be delivered at your doorstep
Jio Sim will soon be delivered at your doorstep

A new idea has now struck in the head of the Reliance Corp. They are now planning to send the SIM card to the customers directly to their home. The crowd has already made such a big deal about the SIM card’s offerings, such as, the free calling and free unlimited 4G data till 31st December. The retailers are running out of the service whereas the reliance stores such as Reliance Digital and Digital Express have a line of 10-20 people every moment outside the store. And even if the customers get the card the service are not availed yet. To manage the crowd chaos and such miss-leading popularity, Reliance networks may have plans to start the home delivery option started for the crowd.

Reports and sources have already indicated this step is been taken in process.Where interested consumers can sign up to book a SIM card. They will be required to provide certain basic information, the report adds, claiming that once this formality is completed the Reliance Jio SIM card will then be delivered to the applicant's address within 5-7 days.

Still a word from the company itself is yet to come to confirm this news.

Wondering how to get Jio SIM? Here is the solution !

These 5 mind-boggling facts about Jio will make you to run to the nearest reliance...


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