Indian Railways on Thursday announced that it has reserved 20 percent vacancies for the apprentices in 1,03,769 notified vacancies for the level-1 recruitment. As per the official release, against these employment notifications, over 2.40 crore candidates have applied. As per Apprentice Act in 2016, Indian Railways has reserved 20 percent vacancies, that is to say. 20,734 nos, for apprentices in 1,03,769 notified vacancies for level-1 recruitment currently under process, the release said. It further added that all qualified citizens of the country are entitled to compete and apply for regular jobs. Direct recruitment without any open competition is against the rules., it said.
This comes after reports that the trained apprentices at Railway establishments were demanding regular appointments. According to the release, Railways engages apprentices for providing training in their establishments. In addition, as per the amendment made in the Apprentice Act in 2016, every employer has to make a policy of appointment of Act Apprentices trained in their establishment. In view of this, Indian Railways has kept 20 percent vacancies in Level-1 recruitment for such apprentices and give a fair opportunity to all. Railway said in a release.
"As per Section 22 (i) of Apprentices Act, 1961 amended on 22nd December 2014 provides that, 'Every employer shall formulate its own policy for recruiting any apprentice who has completed the period of apprenticeship training in his establishment. During 2018, Railway Recruitment Boards have recruited 1288 apprentices in Level-1 posts, Railways added.
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