Justin Bieber wants to adopt a baby Lion and name him Simba

Reportedly pop star Justin Bieber wants to adopt a rare white lion after meeting to the lion before his concert. Singer met millionaire businessman and animal lover Alex Haditaghi and was introduced to the entrepreneur's rare white lion cub as we can see in the picture.

Haditaghi told the New York Daily News newspaper's Confidenti@l column "I was amazed how great he was with animals -- how caring he was,"

"We still haven't figured out if it's an adoption or sponsorship," Haditaghi added.

Haditaghi is hoping to open a "1,000 to 2,000 acre" animal sanctuary in either Florida, Arizona, or Canada by the end 2016 and thinks Bieber would be a great spokesperson.

The lion is currently named Alex but Bieber wants to name him Simba, in honour of the main character in Disney movie 'The Lion King'.

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