The outspoken Kangana Ranaut is all set to walk on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival 2018, on this May 11. Recently, after attending Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja's wedding reception last night, Kangana headed to the Mumbai airport in the morning to mark her presence in the Cannes 2018. It is going to be the debut of Kangana in the film festival.
Kangan Ranaut has never disappointed us when it comes to her airport looks. This time also the actor looked stunning in an all-black outfit. She nailed the classy look in a black sleeveless top paired with a black skirt which had a mini front slit. White nude pointed pumps have helped her to complete her look along with black sunglasses and a white mini purse.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kangana is currently busy shooting for Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi. In the movie, the actor is essaying the role of Rani Laxmibai.
The film is directed by the Telugu director Radhakrishna Jagarlamudi which also features Ankita Lokhande, Sonu Sood, Atul Kulkarni and Jisshu Sengupta in vital roles.
Earlier the movie was scheduled to release on April 27 but pushed forward and now speculations are rife of an August release. Although there is no official announcement has been done regarding the same.