Kaniz Rabbi’s Growth Post on Her transformation Created an Overwhelming Buzz on Social Media
Kaniz Rabbi’s Growth Post on Her transformation Created an Overwhelming Buzz on Social Media

Kaniz Rabbi is a blogger and she is passionate about her job. She loves to write on diverse women related issues and keeps herself busy with her passion of blogging .

Recently, she was seen embarking up on a Instagram LIVE series called Connect in Crisis ,wherein she interviewed a wide range of ladies from different walks of life and background. She talked about hope, women empowerment and other positive things in this tough time. She loves to be active on social media by posting a number of things online. 

Her post called Its “It’s a Growth Post” with  two kids - Zidaane and Mikael gained a good buzz on the internet. The post got around 6k likes from her followers. She talked about her experience of being mother of two kids and how life changed after motherhood .She posted two photos in this post with her kids of a few months in the left and to the right with kids of 8.5 and 7.5 years. All she talked about was the  changes she made in life to achieve the transformation.

She talked about the experience of bringing up her kids in the post. It was so tangible and meaningful that it helped garner a good buzz among her friends and followers whopping 6k likes. She concluded the post talking about the body transformation and the fitness regime that she follows .After all she is a fitness freak and she loves to propagate this idea to her friends and followers to keep fit and healthy. She intends to go that extra mile in educating and motivating mothers  to lead a fit and healthy life.

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