Divya Khosla Kumar had recently arrived with Kapil Sharma on the show with Darshan Rawal. During this time something happened that made everyone laugh. Actually, during this time, Kapil asked Divya that 'You had come before but then we could not ask you some questions. Actually, Archana Puran Singh ma'am wants to ask you that Bhushan ji is so busy, how did you get the time to meet him? ' Hearing this question, Divya says in response, 'I too can ask you this question, you too are busy. So how many phones do you get? ' After this, Kapil says, 'For this one has to take time.'
After that Archana and Divya start laughing loudly. By the way, let us also tell you that the new song 'Teri Aakhon Mein' by Divya Khosla Kumar and Pearl V Puri has been released and this song has been sung by Darshan Rawal. Let us also tell you that Divya Khosla shot this song in Mumbai in 4 days under the security guidelines of Covid 19. By the way, Divya had earlier worked with Akshay Kumar in 2004 in Ab Tumahare Hawale Watan Saathiyo and during that time she was very much in discussions.
She has also appeared in the album Tera Mera Dil with Salman Khan. In this, she appeared in the song Honey Honey. Apart from this, he has also worked in Falguni Pathak's album Meri Chunar Ud Ud Jaay in the year 2000, Aiyo Rama and Abhijeet's album Tere Bina Ke Kabhi Yaadon Mein Aaun. She has also appeared in the song 'Yad Piya Ki Aane Lagi'.
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