Nach Baliye Season 10 will knock on TV after the coronavirus lockdown is over. People are looking very eager to know about the pairs seen in the show. Meanwhile, TV's famous comedian Kapil Sharma gave a big statement on participating in Nach Baliye 10. Shortly before being bored at home, Kapil Sharma responded to questions from fans on Twitter under #AskKapil. During this, a fan asked Kapil Sharma on Twitter, what would you do if you wanted to be a part of Nach Baliye 10 with your wife Ginni Chatrath?
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Kapil Sharma immediately responded to this fan and wrote, 'You have asked a very wonderful question. I am doing Nach Baliye in my life and will not go out anywhere.'' After hearing this statement of Kapil Sharma, his fans will surely be disappointed because Kapil has refused to be a part of Nach Baliye. Even if Kapil Sharma does not want to participate in Nach Baliye 10, many couples of TV industry are ready to work in Nach Baliye 10.
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Mahira Sharma and Paras Chhabra recently expressed excitement about Nach Baliye. It is being claimed in many media reports that Siddharth Shukla-Shehnaz Gill and Asim Riaz-Himanshi Khurana have been approached for Nach Baliye 10. Due to the coronavirus lockdown, Kapil Sharma is not able to shoot his show The Kapil Sharma Show. The fans of this show are missing Kapil and his team a lot. The channel is constantly telecasting old episodes of The Kapil Sharma Show during the coronavirus lockdown.