Global chief Kenneth Roth did not enter Hong Kong, Know reason
Global chief Kenneth Roth did not enter Hong Kong, Know reason

Washington: Recently, Kenneth Roth, the global head of the US-based human rights organization, Human Rights Watch, has not been allowed to enter Hong Kong on Sunday, where he was supposed to release his organization's World Report 2020 here on 15 January 2020.

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According to information from sources, the group's executive director Kenneth Roth said that he was barred from going out at Hong Kong Airport. It was for the first time that he was prevented from entering Hong Kong, before which he has been coming here uninterruptedly. Hong Kong has authority over China.

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Protests have been going on for many months over the rights of China. In view of the protests, the Chinese-backed government in Hong Kong has banned the entry of foreign journalists and activists. Roth said that the authorities have told the immigration problem to stop his entry. There has been no response from the Hong Kong government in this regard.

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