Khesari Lal Yadav, a well-known actor and singer in Bhojpuri cinema, has millions of fans. These days, they're releasing songs one after the other. The actor, together with Bhojpuri vocalist Anupama Yadav, sings the majority of the latest songs. The two superstar singers recently released a video for 'Saiya Ke Roti,' which has gotten a massive response from the public. The video for the song was shot on actress Rani. Then they came 'gol gol roti,' which they wore in a different way. In 'Mukh Mare Raja,' he is currently exhibiting his jugalbandi alongside Mahima Singh.
On Friday, December 3rd, Khesari Lal released a new song in which he appears alongside Bhojpuri actress Mahima Singh. In 'Mukh Mare Raja,' Khesari appears in an extremely amorous role. Khesari co-stars are seen liplocking with Mahima in the arbhink video, and the two are subsequently shown romancing in the swimming pool.
Throughout the song, Khesari and his lover have a fantastic chemistry. The video kisses Bhojpuri singer Mahima's cheeks repeatedly, which is why her fans like it. In only a few hours, the song has been seen by over 5 lakh people, with over 7,000 individuals responding to it. The desi romance between Khesari and Mahima is gaining popularity among Bhojpuri listeners.