Hotel in Japan hire people to rest in rooms and report about quality of sleep
Hotel in Japan hire people to rest in rooms and report about quality of sleep

The most important things for a human being are 'Roti, Kapda and Makan. To fulfil these needs, people work. Many people leave home, city and even the country in search of employment. Many types of jobs are available in the country and abroad. But today we are going to tell you about some such jobs, knowing about which you will be surprised and think whether such jobs really exist.

A hotel in Finland appoints staff to sleep overnight. It will sound a bit strange, but it is absolutely true. This job is known as Hotel Tester. The staff appointed for this has to sleep in different rooms of the hotel and review it the next day.

Apart from this, there is a job in Japan in which the staff has to push in the train. The train here gets crowded with people, due to which many times the doors of the train are not closed. The people appointed for this job help in closing the doors of the train by pushing the crowd from outside. Companies that make food for dogs appoint people to test the product. The employees working in the dog food tester have to test the product and report it.

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