These plants bring happiness, peace, and money at home
These plants bring happiness, peace, and money at home

Everyone wants happiness and peace in their homes, they all need a lot of money in their lives. In such a situation, there are many people who use tricks to get money, to get love and to get rid of discord, to captivate, to eliminate negative energy which is considered wrong. If you want all this, then you can plant, saplings for money, happiness, business growth, love, etc. in order to get rid of your troubles and make money at home. There are some plants that will work to take you away from all kinds of troubles and gives happiness. Today we are going to tell you about some such plants.

Today's Horoscope: Know what your stars have in store for you

Basil plant - It is said that the Basil plant is considered auspicious. Along with this, worshiping it leads to happiness and peace in the house. Keep in mind that it should not be worshiped on Sunday or Ekadashi. It is said that consuming Tulsi leaves with curd and sugar helps you get blessings from God.

Data Plant: It is said to be auspicious. Actually, it always keeps negative powers away from its existence and if Lord Shiva is worshipped with its flowers, then he becomes happy.

Hadjod Plant- It is said that keeping the Hadjod in the house remove problems. With this, you get money by keeping it in the house, This brings happiness and peace in the house and does not cause discord, negative powers.  

Shami tree - It is said that planting this in the house reduces the defect of Shani. Simultaneously, it should be placed in the north-east direction of the house.

Money plant and bamboo plant - It is said that planting these two in the house brings peace in the house and it should be planted in the south direction.

Today's Horoscope: know what stars have in store for you

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