Know the miracles of coconut and don't forget to add it to your daily diet
Know the miracles of coconut and don't forget to add it to your daily diet

Know how coconut is a miracle for your health, take a look at its benefits.  The one and only ingredient that can keep you healthy and beautiful is coconut.  Not only coconut gives your food with a distinct flavor, it also acts as a strong moisturizer for your skint too. You can use coconut as a moisturizer, a toner or a make-up remover also. Purba Kalita, who is the co-founder at, and Sonia Mathur, the Head, and Trainer at Divine Organics, has listed a number of edible ways by which you can use coconut to get the most of its benefits.

For desserts

Add some amount of coconut shavings to your desserts and provide them with a naturally sweet flavor. You can also use coconut milk to do the same. 

Coconut water drinks

You can make some refreshing drinks by using coconut water with fruit juice. Mix it with orange juice, watermelon juice or sweet lime and it will surely be a delightful treat for your guests.

Coconut smoothie

Give your usual fruit smoothies an exotic touch of coconut milk or coconut water.

For skin

Coconut can actually work miracles on your skin. It is a powerful moisturizer which can keep your skin hydrated and nourished all day long. Just mix a few drops of coconut oil on your skin or combine it with your moisturizer and apply it. And have the beautiful skin always. 


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