How to avoid NFC Metro Card security threats
How to avoid NFC Metro Card security threats

These days, the use of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in metro cards has become quite common. With the help of this technology, you can make payments without touching the card. However, cyber thugs have now started taking wrong advantage of this technology.

How does cheating happen?

The thugs push you in the line and take your card to a special device kept with them. Using this device, the thugs copy all the information of your card. Then using this information, the thugs make a fake card and withdraw all the money.

Preventive measures

  • Keep it safe: When you are travelling in the metro, always keep the card in a safe place. Avoid giving the card to strangers and if you are not using the card, keep it in a safe pocket or purse.
  • Turn off NFC function: If your card supports NFC function and you are not using it, have it turned off.
  • Contact Metro Helpline: If you think your card has been cloned, contact the Metro Helpline immediately. Also check your bank account and file a police complaint if needed.

What to do in an emergency?

  • Block the card: In case the card is cloned, get it blocked immediately.
  • Follow-up apps: Install apps on your phone that keep an eye on your card's activity.
  • Set a strong PIN: If your card is smart, set a strong PIN.
  • Avoid crowds: Try to avoid crowded lines at metro stations.

By taking these precautions you can protect your NFC metro card from fraud.

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