Know what happens to your skin when you don't remove your make-up
Know what happens to your skin when you don't remove your make-up

Sometimes we became too lazy to remove our makeup. From going late-night weddings to a long day at work, then it feels like that removing make-up seems like a tiresome job at night, but have you have wonder? that this habit can take a toll on your skin.Read below and see what can happen to your skin if don't remove makeup regularly. 

1. Can cause eye infection

Getting that eye make-up right is an accomplishment for every girl. However, do you know that those hot smokey eyes or those colorful shadows can cause an eye infection too? From mascara to shadows, the tiny particles can slide into your eye and cause irritation, redness and even a severe infection.

2. Stubborn Blackheads

I think no one like hideous blackheads. When you don't remove make-up, you're only clogging your pores, leading to blackheads.

3. Pimple

One of the most common thing that can happen when you don't remove make-up acne occurred. Clogged pores and not removing makeup can cause infection and begin to pimples.

4. Dry Lips

Removing that long-lasting lip color is a job, we know. However is it worth getting dry lips? When you don't take your lipstick at night, your lips can become dry as the color leaches the moisture away from it.

5. Skin Ageing

 Not taking off your makeup, can have a barrier leading to dry skin. Furthermore, the make-up attracts free radicals which can cause early signs of aging.

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