What is Alkaline Diet?
What is Alkaline Diet?

Nowadays people have become very conscious about their diet and adopt different types of diets to stay healthy. Keto, intermittent fasting, liquid, and alkaline diet are some of them. While intermittent fasting involves fasting for 12 to 16 hours every day, very few people know about the alkaline diet. In this article, we will give you information about the alkaline diet, what it is, and for whom it can be beneficial.

What is the alkaline diet?

The alkaline diet, also known as the alkaline acid diet, is a diet that involves consuming foods that help keep the body's pH level balanced. The pH level measures the amount of alkaline and acid in the body. An alkaline diet includes green vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, organic foods, and nuts.

Range of pH Levels

The pH level ranges from 0 to 14:

  • 0.0-6.9: Acidic
  • 7.0: Neutral
  • 7.1-14.0: alkaline or basic

If a food has a pH level greater than 7.1, it is considered alkaline. 7 is considered a normal pH level, and foods with a pH lower than this are more acidic, while foods with a pH of 14 are the most basic.

benefits of the alkaline diet

  1. pH Level Balance: An alkaline diet helps keep the pH level of the body balanced, thereby reducing many health problems.

  2. Energy and Inflammation: This diet provides energy to the body and can help reduce inflammation.

  3. Digestion and skin: An alkaline diet can prove beneficial for improving digestion, skin, and hair. It can also improve immunity.

  4. Acidity problem: If the acid balance in the body deteriorates, it can cause problems like dry skin, gas-acidity, and headaches. An alkaline diet can help reduce these problems.

Who is it beneficial for?

According to dietician Dr. Paramjit Kaur, an alkaline diet can help relieve the problem of acidity and reduce belly fat. It can also be beneficial in diseases like arthritis. However, before adopting any diet, you must understand the needs of your body and consult a doctor.

How to follow the alkaline diet?

  1. Natural foods: Add more green vegetables, fresh fruits, and nuts to your diet.

  2. Enough water: Drink enough water to keep the body hydrated.

  3. Balanced diet: Take a balanced diet to fulfill the deficiency of all the essential nutrients.

  4. Doctor's advice: Before making any decision regarding your diet, consult a doctor.

An alkaline diet can help balance the pH level in the body, but it is important to note that acids in the body are also necessary for digesting food. Therefore, it is advisable to seek professional advice before adopting this diet.


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