Know whether eating jaggery in the summer is right or not?
Know whether eating jaggery in the summer is right or not?

Many people feel that jaggery should be eaten in the winter. While Ayurvedic experts consider this thinking wrong. Know here what are the benefits of eating jaggery and gramme. Jaggery and gramme are a magical combination of carbohydrate and protein. We get many benefits from eating it together. If there is pain in the body, a lack of blood, or muscle strain, then you should eat jaggery and gramme together. Jaggery increases the metabolic rate of the body. It also helps in reducing weight. Along with this, the deficiency of iron and haemoglobin is cured by their regular intake.

According to an Ayurvedic expert, don't think that jaggery is eaten only in the winter. This strengthens the digestive system along with the muscles. While jaggery is rich in iron and potassium, gramme is rich in vitamins, calcium, fibre, and protein.

Jaggery-gramme contains minerals and anti-oxidants like zinc and selenium. They boost the body's immunity and anti-oxidants like zinc and selenium. They boost the body's immunity. Along with this, cellular damage is also prevented. It is said that roasted grains are beneficial for respiratory diseases. For this, you have to eat roasted grains with hot milk before sleeping. Jaggery helps fight the side effects of pollution. The combination of jaggery and gramme is also good for women. They lose blood due to their periods. Jaggery is a good source of iron, while chickpeas are rich in protein. Women's bodies need them more.

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