Why is mustard oil massaged in the feet?
Why is mustard oil massaged in the feet?

Most Indian homes use mustard oil for cooking, especially for cooking vegetables. It is said that mustard oil is very beneficial for health. Not only this, it is also considered rich in many nutrients. It also contains healthy fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are also found in mustard oil. Which is very good for the body.

It contains saturated fats like omega-3, 6. But today we are going to give you detailed information about the benefits of applying it on the soles of the feet, not eating it. It works to moisturize the skin in a natural way. Applying or massaging mustard oil on the soles of the feet brings many health benefits. In this article, we will know in detail the benefits of applying mustard oil. Today we will tell you the right way to apply it. 

Benefits of massaging the soles with mustard oil:  Mustard oil is said to be very effective for health in Ayurveda. Along with its consumption, massaging with it also provides great relief to the muscles. Actually, massaging with mustard oil increases blood circulation in the body and speeds up physical activities. In such a situation, if you massage mustard oil on the soles at night, then the fatigue of the feet will go away and your mind can also get a lot of relaxation. In such a situation, you will also get full sleep. 

Not only this, women who complain of stomach cramps and pain during periods should massage mustard oil on the soles of their feet before sleeping at night. This gives a lot of relief in period cramps and relaxes the muscles. People who also have the problem of insomnia should massage their feet well with lukewarm mustard oil before sleeping at night. This relieves mental stress and smoothens the blood circulation. This will relax the body and mind and induce sleep. People who are suffering from stress and anxiety should also massage their feet with lukewarm mustard oil every night. This relieves stress, anxiety and relaxes the mind.

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