Varun Dhawan is all set for his upcoming movie Bhediya with Kriti Sanon. The movie will release in November this year. Varun leaving no stone unturned in promoting the film. The trailer of their upcoming film Bhediya “howled loud” on the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Varun and Kriti were promoting their comedy-horror film across India before flying to Dubai for pre-release events. The trailer of the film is receiving very good reviews.
Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon took to Instagram and dropped a video, the actor can see the much-anticipated Amar Kaushik directorial Bhediya was screened on the Burj Khalifa the tallest building in the world, by the filmmakers. The promo and the video
Kriti Sanon sharing the video wrote, “And the Bhediya trailer howled loud on none other than the Burj Khalifa! Big moment!” .The clip shows her, Varun Dhawan and other crew members of the film celebrating as the trailer lights up the Sharing the video, Varun Dhawan wrote, " At the Burj Khalifa. I got so excited. I dropped my phone. Bhediya out on the 25th Nov." Kriti also shared the video and captioned, "
Speaking about the movie the director earlier said, “Bhediya is a tale filled with awe-inspiring imagery. Each and every member of the cast and crew knew that we were crafting something very special. It’s not just the path-breaking VFX; the film is a feast for the eyes in every aspect possible”. This movie will be the third installment of producer Dinesh Vijan's horror comedy after 'Stree' and 'Roohi'.
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