Counting has started in Delhi Assembly Election 2020 for all 70 assembly seats from 8 am. Trends have also started coming on the Laxmi Nagar seat. A total of 136272 votes were cast on this seat in the voting held on 8 February. At the same time, the voting percentage was 61.48. Abhay Verma from BJP is in the fray. Nitin Tyagi from you. Hari Dutt Sharma is contesting from the Congress. At this time, in the fourth round of Laxmi Nagar Assembly, AAP candidate Nitin Tyagi is leading by 5000 votes.
For your information, let us tell you that right now Nitin Tyagi of Aam Aadmi Party is a MLA from Laxmi Nagar. There are total voters - 2,18,904, male voters - 1,22,148, female voters - 96,750.
Out of the 70 seats in Delhi, Laxminagar was given the status of the assembly constituency in 2008 following the recommendations of the Delimitation Commission set up in 2002. In the first election held in 2008, Congress's Doctor AK Walia was elected MLA from here. He defeated Murari Singh Panwar of BJP. Aam Aadmi Party's Vinod Kumar Binny won from here in 2013 elections. In 2015, AAP leader Nitin Tyagi was elected MLA. This area is known for the Akshardham temple. Coaching centers for the study of various fields are also abundant in this area.
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