Learn about World Freedom Day, November 9
Learn about World Freedom Day, November 9

World Freedom Day is observed on November 9th each year commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall. This historic event signified the end of communism in Central and Eastern Europe.

 President George W. Bush established the day in 2001 to mark the collapse of communism in Eastern and Central Europe. In the end, it serves to acknowledge that the will of the people can shift boundaries, break unfavourable resolutions, and ultimately determine the type of leadership they desire in order to live in a freer, more equitable society. It was created to celebrate the reunion of loved ones divided by the Iron Curtain and different ideologies.

Many people find it absurd to consider a world without freedom. Freedom is something that many individuals have known their entire lives. It's crucial that we recognise this and work for methods to alter things because for many people, this is not the case.

The creation of World Freedom Day serves as a tribute to the fall of the Berlin Wall. The significance of the date is more related to what the wall symbolises than to the wall itself. With the crumbling of this wall, communism in both Central and Eastern Europe came to an end.

Germany was split into two halves at the end of the Second World War. West Germany and East Germany both existed. East Germany was under the Soviet Union's command. West Germany was divided up into French, British, and American-occupied zones. Following World War II, East Germany was recognised as a sovereign nation.

When you take into account radically different leadership styles, the living conditions in West and East Germany were very different. In a capitalist country like West Germany, the economy boomed. The opposite occurred in East Germany, a communist country. Many Germans fled to West Germany in an effort to escape the tough and hard circumstances brought on by communist rule.

Between 1949 and 1961, as a result, a staggering three million individuals fled East Germany. The Soviet Union consequently found itself in a very precarious situation. To overrun West Germany, they threatened to use nuclear weapons.

Soldiers built a physical wall separating West Berlin from East Berlin in 1961 using concrete poles and barbed wire. People in Berlin woke up in the morning realising they would not be able to get to the other side of the city, even if they had family or a work there, as this had happened during the night. Minefields, watchtowers, electric fences, and other elements were added to the 91-mile wall over time to ensure that nobody could cross it.

Upon the election of a new leader in 1989, travel restrictions from East Germany were significantly reduced. People could once more enter West Berlin from East Berlin. Thousands of people then descended on the wall after realising that the borders were open in 1989. The wall began to crumble as they began to chip away at it with hammers and chisels.

Germany rejoined its West and East halves a year later, in 1990, and became a unified state once more. Even though the situation may appear to be handled in Germany, freedom is still in danger. Tyrants exist all throughout the world, trying to control various spheres of life through the manipulation of financial markets, the threat of violence, or other means. World Freedom Day is significant because of this. We must spread awareness of the various problems that still exist in the world and fight for those who are most in need.


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