Lesions are at risk of these diseases, know what research say
Lesions are at risk of these diseases, know what research say

In today's time, all kinds of couples are being seen. Whether it is of the same gender or different. In such a situation there is a lesbian relationship in which girls are more at risk of obesity. This is revealed in the new research. Let us tell you, many changes are also seen in lesbian women or girls. What is the cause of obesity in lesbian women or lesbian girls must be known. Today we are going to tell you about this.

Actually, research has shown that lesbian women are thicker than straight women. In this research, 90 thousand young people of Britain were included. Learn about this research facts.

Lesbian women are obese due to stress
Lesbian women or girls and hestrosexual men are thicker than others. The main reason for this has also been told in research.

Researchers tell that lesbian women tend to take more stress than either hestrosexual or straight women. Stress is the main reason for lesbian women to be obese.

Research has also found that obesity increases in people due to stress or stress. This research has been published in General of Public Health. Researchers focused on people's BMI and sexual orientation.

Causes of obesity in lesbian women or girls
Researchers said that the main reason for obesity is the stress, lifestyle and work stress found mostly by society. This information found in research is very important, if you also take stress then you can become obese.

Lesbian women or girls also face stress problems. Lesbian women or girls are also seen very careless about their lifestyle.

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41 percent of the lesbian women involved in the research were overweight or obese, while heterosexual men were also obese. As it has been found in earlier researches that many types of diseases occur in people due to obesity.

It has also been found in this research that the main diseases and events like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and premature death are due to obesity. What to eat and what not to eat in stress and depression.

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