Former Indian captain Sourav Ganguly has shared his views ongoing controversy regarding Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul. He has backed the duo and has said that the matter should not be taken too far.
Gangulay belives that the controversy should not be taken so far. He said "People make mistakes. Let's not take it too far. I am sure whoever has done it will realise and come out as a better person. He further adderd that We are all human beings, not machines that everything you put out comes out perfect. You just have to live life and let others live.
Earlier, Pandya and Rahul invited flak on social media for their comments that they had made on the show, Koffee with Karan. Pandya’s comments on women were deemed to be sexist, as he talked about how he observes a woman before talking to her. While Rahul did not say much about women but he leaked a dressing room secret, saying that he partied ahead of a T20I game.
On their sexiest comment, BCCI also took a strong stance on the controversy and suspended the duo, sending them back from Australia before the start of the Odi series. The two will be missing the limited-overs series against New Zealand as well.