DR. PARUL SHARDA - Many a times it happens in our life that, people say to us that you cannot do this, you cannot do that. It is not your cup of tea! Consider those criticism as “Omens” and gather them all gradually. Make those “No” your strength and fight with circumstances like a warrior. Prove yourself!
Do not ever get disappointed by others' perspectives about you. Do not look for external validation, for your competencies, validate yourself, challenge yourself after achieving every milestone.
You are not, what others think about you!
You are what “You” think about “Yourself”!
Make a ladder of all the negative notions and get determined to give your best shot.
Just keep one thing in mind, you have to be BEST in your eyes first.
Always be Courageous in life, for life doesn’t award anything to anyone who is weak.
Courage doesn’t mean that you have to jump bare from the mountain or valley without knowing the repercussions. It is about knowing your strength and polish them so wisely that whenever any situation hits you worse, you can get up and face it.
Courage is holding your voice high, when you witness the unfair circumstance. It is a strong expression of standing with truth, and a sound gesture against violence.
If you start taking stand for your rights, the world will respect you. Because if you don’t no one bothers for it. So, it’s better to maintain self-respect and dignity which you can earn by being courageous.
Dr. Parul Sharda, is the Associate Professor and HOD (Management), Indore Management Institute
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