Life made easy for women in the kitchen, with these hacks!!!
Life made easy for women in the kitchen, with these hacks!!!

The kitchen is an integral part of the house. It is the heart of the house, whether small or big. The busy life of individuals has made demands for hacks to make life simpler.

  • Keep nut and seed flours fresh for months by freezing them. This helps it stay fresh for almost a year.

  • When boiling eggs, add a pinch of salt to prevent them from cracking.

  • Store onions and garlic in a paper bag punched with holes, this keeps them fresh for months.

  • Wet your fingers to remove egg shells from the egg white and egg yolk.

  • To make the over ripe tomatoes fresh just place them in cold water overnight and add some salt.

  • Store mushrooms in paper bag in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for a long time.

  • Put 3-4 cloves in sugar a container to keep ants away.

  • Place ice cream in a zip lock bag before keeping it in the freezer. The ice cream stays soft and does not make it hard like ice.

  • For better storage and usage of spices, store them in tic-tac containers.

  • Run a knife under hot water to cut perfect cake slices.

  • Blend brown rice cereal in a food processor to make gluten free bread crumbs.

  • To prevent chopped brinjals from getting discolored keep them in salted water.

  • Put some rice grains in the salt container to absorb the moisture.

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