Lockdown may end soon in America
Lockdown may end soon in America

Washington: The havoc of corona, which has been continuously increasing for a few days, is becoming a new problem for people every day. Many such families lost their lives every day due to this virus. More than 2 lakh 80 thousand people have died due to the virus, while millions of people have been infected with this virus. It is a bit difficult for scientists to say how long will be able to get rid of this disease.

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Fear of increasing heart and mind is also increasing in view of the increasing number of deaths every day, due to which an epidemic situation is being created worldwide and with the shortage of food in people's homes every day. Innocent people are losing their lives.

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Charges have been leveled against top White House officials in the US for freezing a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the lockdown. Important suggestions by US top disease control experts on whether or not to end the lockdown among the corona that has spread around the world were ignored. This disclosure came from the information of internal government emails. As soon as it was revealed, the Trump administration also gave orders for quick approval of its important aspects.

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