Chandigarh: Locust party reached Gautam Budh Nagar via Haryana on Saturday. The locust party was present for about one and a half hours. The locust party sat on the crop in Bhatta and Mohammadpur Jadaun, but due to the promptness of the farmer and the administration it could not harm the sugarcane and fodder crops. According to the information received, the locusts were driven away by the farmers using claps, guns, utensils and firecrackers. After entering Bulandshahr at 3 in the afternoon, the farmer and the district administration breathed a sigh of relief. The district administration team got alerted after receiving information about the grasshopper team arriving in Delhi and Haryana on Saturday morning.
The Agriculture Department and other officials went to the villages of Dankour, Rabupura and Jewar and informed the farmers about the grasshopper team. At about one and a half in the afternoon, the locust went from Faridabad to Usmanpur village in Gautam Budh Nagar. From there, the locust went out from Khurja in Bulandshahr via the village of Utravali, Hajipur, Mohammadpur Jadaun, Dubli, Jaunchana etc.
Deputy Director Agriculture Amarnath Mishra said that the locust party was sitting on sugarcane and fodder crops in Bhatta and Mohammadpur Jadaun villages, but farmers were already cautious there. They drove away the locust party with the sound of claps, utensils, crackers and drums etc. Due to the wind, the locust could not stay for long in the district. As soon as it has come to know that the Batiddi party was sitting on the crop, all the preparations were made to destroy them. Malathion, chloro pyre phos and fipronil solution were sprayed. A firearm department car and a tractor mounted sprayer were arranged for this. Spraying was done between 11 pm and 3 pm. Then it proves to be very effective.
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