London:Tram goes off rail, killing seven and many injured !
London:Tram goes off rail, killing seven and many injured !

London: Whilst crossing a sharp curve, a tram got derailed due to which seven passengers travelling died and 50 other got wounded. Police had arrested the driver as he was driving faster than the speed permitted to him.

As soon as the incident occurred, in the Crodyon city at South London, the nearby emergency workers struggled to help passengers who got stuck in the debris.

"Initial indications suggest that the tram was traveling at a significantly higher speed than is permitted," the rail Department Investigators said in a statement.

Passenger Martin Bamford, 30, said the train speeded up and "everyone just literally went flying."

"There was a woman that was on top of me ... I don't think she made it at all," . "She wasn't responsive. There was blood everywhere."Bamford said, at Croydon University Hospital who was there to cure his injuries.

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