Mahbooba Mufti: Pain in the heart of Kashmir which needs to be addressed immediately
Mahbooba Mufti: Pain in the heart of Kashmir which needs to be addressed immediately

After taking the Chief Minister seat in Jammu and Kashmir CM Mahbooba Mufti spoke in her first public rally about "pain in the heart of Kashmir" which needs to be addressed immediately by all so that the youth of the state also flourish and contribute to the growth of the nation.

She said "In Pakistan, the government is fighting against its own people... Sunni kills Shia and vice versa," "I am proud to live in a nation where people from different religions live in peace and harmony but there is a pain... There is a pain in heart of Kashmir and we all have to heal it together” Mufti said "We need to heal it so that the youth of Kashmir flourish like those in rest of the country,"

she said at the function which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Jammu and Kashmir Governor N N Vohra and Union and state ministers among others. She recalled her conversation with her late father Mufti Mohammed Sayeed and said when talks for alliance between PDP and BJP were going on he had told her, "I have held the hand of a person who has been made the Prime Minister of the country by crores of people.

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