Make torn ankles soft with these home made remedies
Make torn ankles soft with these home made remedies

When cold weather comes, the body has to struggle with different types of problems. One of these problems is torn ankles . Seeing torn ankles looks ugly . To soften this hard skin of the ankles and fill the cracks, we should take note of the following things.

1. Put one spoonful of boric powder and add one and a half spoon whistlean and mix well. Now apply this mixture to the tear-edged ankles properly. Repeat this procedure will start filling the worn earrings soon. 

2. If your edges are too taut, then you can also try the mathiliated spirits. Take a little cotton and soak it in methylid sprit and apply it on ankles for three to four times a day. In a few days the ankles will improve. 
3. Use the padicure to clean the soles of the feet. This is a great way to make Paro beautiful. 

4. If your edges are a little too bad and you do not have any special effect even after your efforts, then you can go to a beauty specialist and make your ankles soft and soft. 

5. Take coconut oil in a bowl and heat it lightly and massage the anterles before sleeping in the night. Repeat these procedures for ten days continuously, the edges will be as soft and soft as before. 

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