Make your room a happy place;with these simple tricks !
Make your room a happy place;with these simple tricks !

Is your bedroom your happy place? If the answer is no, let's work on making that happen. Sleep is absolutely vital for optimal health.

Your bedroom should be a tranquil getaway from the stresses of your day. Some benefits of a good night's sleep are improved memory and stamina, decreased cravings, stress reduction, reduced inflammation and longevity.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, lack of a good night's sleep can cause depression, weight gain, irritability, poor concentration, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

1. Invest in a high quality mattress- One of the main culprits of poor sleep is body pain. Some people don't realize their mattress may be too hard or too soft. Aim for something with sufficient support. On a budget? Try a textured mattress topper. Additionally, be sure to invest in pillows that offer neck support.

2. Place a Plant on your nightstand- Unless you're allergic, having a plant or flowers at your bedside will release oxygen, refreshing the air.

They also release water, increasing humidity for improved breathing and purify air by removing toxins.

3. Declutter the Space -Eliminating clutter from the bedroom helps to reduce stress, promoting relaxation.

Some items I do suggest you keep in the bedroom are your favorite books, candles, incense and lavender oil for self-massage.

4. Use Nice Curtains- Invest in some nice curtains for the bedroom windows. These will keep out the early morning light from entering the room and possibly disturbing you’re from your sleep.

5. Use soft lighting for the room- Keep the bright lights for the drawing room and kitchen.

Opt for soft lighting for the bedroom that can be adjusted according to your mood and liking.

In case you don't like sleeping in complete darkness, use a small night lamp that is enough to provide just a fraction of light.


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