With the beginning of the prestigious film festival Cannes 2018, this year many Bollywood celebrities are going to mark their presence by stepping into the event. Leading to many, Sanajana from the movie 'Raaz' has made a stunning appearance today. With her Gangs of Wasseypur fame, Huma Qureshi has also been spotted during the event. This is also Huma's debut in the Cannes Film Festival 2018 just like Kangana Ranaut.
The actor, Mallika Sherawat, opted for a lilac coloured Tony Ward gown with neat hair-do and statement earrings which have completed her look. This year Mallika is representing an NGO and will champion causes like human trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children on the sidelines. Mallika has been attending the prestigious Cannes Film Festival for 9 long years.
Huma looked stunning in a Nikhil Thampi pant-suit. She kept the styling simple and classy.
Huma missed the audio launch of her film Kaala with Rajnikanth for her appearance at the Cannes Film Festival.
According to the leading daily, while giving an interview, Mallika said that being a part of this festival is a torture for me because in Cannes your whole cycle changes. You sleep till 12 noon and you party till three in the morning. My producers have to push me. It’s the same when you have to do night shifts in Bollywood.​