Man from Kolkata 2nd in India to be implanted with lightest pacemaker
Man from Kolkata 2nd in India to be implanted with lightest pacemaker

Kolkata, The second person in the country and the first person in eastern india underwent a surgery which implants the world's smallest pacemaker, which looks like a mere capsule, in his heart.

The man is 83 years old and is the resident of Kolkata was earlier implanted with a conventional pacemaker. But a few weeks ago, he started feeling stiffness in the body.

Upon examination, doctors detected a problem in the wire of the pacemaker that connected it to the heart. Considering the advanced age of the patient, replacing the wire could have been risky.

So, the doctors instead decided to replace the conventional device with the capsule one, which required a keyhole puncture in the groin.

"Micra TPS is the world's smallest pacemaker. With the size of a large vitamin capsule and weighing just 2gm, this pacemaker can be implanted entirely inside the heart through a keyhole puncture in the groin," said Dr P K Hazra, director of the cardiology department at AMRI Hospital in Salt Lake.

The device was implated on June 14, and he was kept under observation for a couple of days, given his age.

Dr. Hazra added, "For the first time, Medanta Hospital in Delhi had used the new pacemaker on a patient only a few days before we implanted it in our patient in Kolkata. This is the first implant of this pacemaker in eastern India and second in India".

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